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 the medium 

africa arts | artscape theatre | suidoosterfees | cape town | 2015



"This was the first production by the newly formed Africa Arts ... It certainly got things off to a good start, with the highly talented Matthew Wild as director and Alex Fokkens ably conducting a chamber orchestra of fine local players. Wild had chosen to set the action in a American trailer park, an idea which worked extremely effectively, adding an uneasy, sleazy atmsophere to the fake seance and the brutal drama played out in the finale. There was a strong cast of singers. Elizabeth Frandsen (Madame Flora) was in fine voice, and her acting was completely convincing ... The role of the deaf mute Toby, was played by Roelof Storm, subtly insinuating his strange and tragic presence throughout" OPERA


"Matthew Wild plaas sy ­produksie in daardie tipe ­woonwaparke waar hillbilly-agtige karikature woon. Hier is dit ’n kômmin “waarsegster” wat, met die hulp van haar ­dogter en ’n stom bywoner, ­kliënte ’n rat voor die oë draai. Die ligpienk woonwa, oorvol wasgoedlyn, draadhek en opblaasswembad spreek ­boekdele ... Frandsen is boeiend as ­Madame Flora. Met haar stem (’n ryk dog rou klank) en spel stuur sy haar karakter van bombasties tot broos ... As bedrewe akteur sorg Storm dat sy karakter nie bloot ’n karikatuur word nie. Die mooi lyf, cowboy-hoed en arrogansie word gejukstaponeer met die stomheid wat Madama Flora uitbuit ... The Medium moet gesien word – vir ’n ontdekking van Menotti se musiek en sy karakterisering (deur musiek én ­libretto), maar ook omdat ­hierdie produksie puik en weldeurdag is." DIE BURGER


"Matthew Wild imaginatively set his Suidoosterfees version in a rundown American trailer park complete with a beat up old car - just the sort of place you might find a fortune teller or medium to connect with the dead .... Hopefully other festivals will take it on as anything that Matthew Wild directs is always worthwhile" CONSTANTIABERG BULLETIN

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