27 September 2024
Matthew Wild's production of Tannhäuser for Oper Frankfurt has been announced as the joint winner of "Aufführung des Jahres" in Opernwelt's 2024 Kritikerumfrage.

30 July 2023
Königskinder returned to the Tiroler Festspiele Erl in summer 2023, cementing its position as a critical and audience favourite: according to Der Standard, "The Erl Festival delights with Engelbert Humperdinck's opera Königskinder ... Matthew Wild's production brings the fairytale events in Erl into the present without robbing it of its poetry."

19 November 2022
Wild's production of Handel's Alcina for Cape Town Opera recently played to standing ovations and critical praise in Cape Town: "an evening of refined pleasures to savour both immediately and in retrospect ... Deft imaginative direction .... with much to delight eye and ear, as well as stimulate the mind." (Weekend Special).
11 November 2022
Matthew Wild took home the Best Director Award at last night's Woordtrofee ceremony for his recent production of Weill and Brecht's Die sieben Todsünden (in a new arrangement and Afrikaans translation by Charl-Johan Lingenfelder as Die sewe doodsondes) at the Toyota US Woordfees. The production also won for Best Ensemble, and was nominated for four further awards including Best Production.

14 September 2022
At a ceremony last night at Grafenegg, Katrin Lea Tag took home the Austrian Music-Theatre Prize for Best Design for her set and costumes for Matthew Wild's production of Porgy & Bess at the Theater an der Wien.
The production was also nominated in the categories Best Overall Production: Opera, Best Musical Direction (Wayne Marshall) and Best Performance in a Leading Role: Male (Eric Greene).