funny girl
the fugard theatre | cape town | 2017
set design
costume design
lighting design
musical direction
Saul Radomsky
Birrie le Roux
Daniel Galloway
Benjamin du Plessis
Louisa Talbot
Charl-Johan Lingenfelder
Jesse Kramer

Fleur du Cap Nomination for Best Actress in a Musical: Ashleigh Harvey
Fleur du Cap Nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a Musical: Kate Normington
Fleur du Cap Nomination for Best Costume Design: Birrie le Roux
"It is the whole of the sum of its parts that render this production exceptional in all respects ...The entire production is subtle and lush – a feast for the eye and ears – with lighting, costumes and scenography combining at times to appear as a renaissance painting and at others, a beautifully kitsch Pierre et Gilles inspired confection. Innovative director Matthew Wild too has prompted wonderfully accomplished performances from a large ensemble cast ...What this local production accomplishes is not only a great, seamless and rather camp night at the theatre, but also the showcasing of the extraordinary home-grown talent capable of serving up a show that would shine anywhere in the world, including Broadway." DAILY MAVERICK
"Matthew Wild’s directing can barely be faulted. With help from the revolving stage, he kept the large cast (18) moving without them ever looking cramped ... The combination of Saul Radomsky’s sets, Le Roux’s divine costumes, Daniel Galloway and Benjamin du Plessis’ lighting, and Charl-Johan Lingenfelder’s excellent band all contributed to a top rate performance" WEEKEND SPECIAL
★★★★★ "Funny Girl is wêreldklas: alles jel. Gevatte dialoog, Saul Radomsky se stelle, knap beligting, die orkes van Charl-Johan Lingenfelder, Matthew Wild se regie en die slim, draaiende verhoog ... Dis goedvoelteater met pit." DIE BURGER
★★★★ "Intelligent portrait of a musical gem ... Deft direction from Matthew Wild, an evocative set by Saul Radomsky, sumptuous period costumes by Birrie Le Roux, energetic dancing devised by Louisa Talbot and proficient musical accompaniment from a 10-piece ensemble come together with artistic unanimity to support the cast performing in this production of Styne / Merrill’s Funny Girl" CAPE ARGUS
"Gee jy ’n gewilde semibiografiese musiekblyspel oor ’n bekende Broadway-ster en aktrise oor aan ’n bekwame, vernuwende span plaaslike teatermakers, kry jy hul pragtige vertolking van die oorsese wegholsuksesstorie van Fanny Brice in Funny Girl ... in die intieme Fugard-teater voel dit regtig vir ’n paar uur of jy in ’n teater op Broadway in New York sit" LITNET